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The main profile of the company"GEOMED" LTD is sale and service of Medical disposables and Medical equipment. We cooperate and distribute products of the most famous and leading manufacturers in the world, such as: FujiFilm, Guangdog Biolight Meditech, Innolcon, Panther Healthcare, Jonson & Jonson, SpaceLabs, Tekno, Hettich, Atmos, J.P.Selecta, DeWert, Plasti-Med, Ecopatent and etc.

The company is completed with high-qualified staff that provides customers with required and suitable products. Company suggests suitable conditions and terms of discounts and payment. Production is locally delivered to the customer. For the reason of improvement of doctors’ skill "GEOMED" LTD with its partner companies provides various trainings on the territory of Georgia and abroad.

Also "GEOMED" LTD provides high quality technical and consulting service in field of medical engineering.

Technical service includes Installation, guaranty and post guaranty services for the equipment sold;

Consulting service is provided for planning of equipping projects of new medical facilities or new directions; preparation of technical specifications for typical items in the list, etc…

Over the last year of State reform in the health sector, “GEOMED” won significant share of the tenders for the purchasing of medical equipment, announced by the owners of private hospitals.


Euro 1
Euro 1